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About The Owner

About The Owner

My name is Derek Anaquod

I was born and raised in Regina SK, Canada.  I’m 36 years old, have a son of 3.5 years of age, 2 parents who are happily married and an older sister of a couple years who all live in Regina.  St Angela was my elementary school and Michael A. Riffel was my High School.  My activities of choice were soccer, badminton and my main jam, golf!  I graduated in 2003 and proceeded to venture into the full time work force, denying golf scholarships along the way but don’t have any regrets in doing so. 

I worked in many different fields throughout my life but have spent approx 8 years in the oil and gas sector and 6 years serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.  In 2006 I accepted my offer to BMQ (Basic Military Qualification) in St Jean Sur Richelieu, QC and was honourably discharged after 6 years of service with the 1 PPCLI.  Service with the Canadian Forces was the start of my journey to learning, building my morals and values and travelling abroad to a significant degree began. 

I was proudly able to serve my country on 2 tours of duty to Afghanistan on TF 3-09 and 1-11, which was almost 14 months of my life.  I’ve had the opportunity to expand my knowledge on the workings of the world in over 35+ countries and will continue to do so throughout my life. 

Many years of education, in multiple areas, has given me a unique perspective on life.  From employment in the culinary/service industry and restaurants, to plumbing, pipe fitting, door to door sales and marketing, founding and participation in not-for-profits and the list goes on, I have a broad spectrum of unique skills.  Over the years some education includes:  couple handful of courses through the military/1 PPCLI (LAV 3 APC Crew Comd/Gunner, TIOP, Mods 1-5, IPSWQ, etc), Leadership Skills Certification through Sask Polytechnic, NFPA 1001/1002 and HAZMAT Ops Level Qual Firefighter, 7 course completing Primary Care Paramedic dropout in early 2020 (this is where I decided to become an entrepreneur) and a certified 4th Class Power Engineer.

My passion is trail running.  My first ultra-marathon was the Canadian Death race in 2012 (125km mountain race) and although I said I wouldn’t do it again (immediately went to the hospital post race), I have run over 50+ ultra-marathons and ain’t stopping until my physical body won’t allow me.

My knowledge and experience spans many types of events:  mountain 100 milers, 24 hr ultras, Backyard style (6.7 kms an hour till failure) and anything viewed hard enough to make my body ache just thinking about it.  Some of my personal achievements are:  2018 ACU National champion, 2015 UTMB finisher, 2019 HURT 100 finisher, 2020 GVRAT (1021kms) in 23 days, 2018 Canada Goose 24 hr National Championship (2nd, 192kms), etc.  My desire to put my mind and body through so much pain, is the desire to find my limit and the idea of surpassing what I ever thought I could personally accomplish.  I find that within those moments of such agony a person has a choice and more often than not a person can push past previous limits and it is within those limits I truly find myself.  Absolutely amazing feeling.

I have been a Big Brother to an amazing dude, raised 10’s of thousands of dollars for many causes (YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, World Society Protection Animals, Royal Canadian Legion, etc) and am a strong advocate for those struggling with Mental Health issues.  I’ve skydived the Skeleton Coast of Namibia, swam in a cage with great white sharks, attempted to run the Boreal Trail in 3 days with a 100+ lb pack (don’t do this, bad idea carrying so much weight), I’ve called home to mommy and friends after crying on the side of a trail for an hour, was bitten by a poisonous Sac spider (thank you modern medicine) and have carried a big dog down a mountain because his/her feet were so cut up the dog couldn’t walk.  This is me!  I’m a hard headed, caring, loving, determined soul that literally just wants the best for everyone and I have a lot to give to my community and the people within.  I’m very much a person with a high sense and obsession with truth and justice.  Hope to one day be an active political member in our community, being able to push policies that really help the common people but before that happens I need to build a business that shows the morals and values I represent and preach.

I’m an open book and will do everything in my power to make PTC successful, give back to the community in the process and build something where my son can look at me and say “I’m so proud of you dad”.  

Much love,  Derek 

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