Prairie Trail Co.
Epic landscaping, steel pipe creations and memorable gifts you will ever love!
Multi-Divisional Business
Community Building
Popular Across Site

The variety of designs, options and overall customizations that landscaping provides, is a lot, to say the least. PTC focuses on “xeriscaping” designs and offerings that allow for minimal maintenance and upkeep. Although sod is something that PTC provides, it isn’t the main style and water conservation is a desired goal.

Steel Pipe Creations
Steel Pipe Creations is a combination of using steel pipe or steel pipe and wood to make truly unique designs. Each product is extremely durable, handmade and will give a new age, rustic look to your humble home. Some of the main designs and products that PTC offers but not limited to, are as follows:
- Assortment of Shelving Styles
- Free Floating Office Desks
- 3-Piece Washroom Set
- Curtain Rods
- Closets
- Garage Storage
- and more

Memorable Gifts
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